Natural Language Understanding (NLU) Accuracy in Voice AI 

NLU Accuracy in Voice AI

Teneo Linguistic Modeling Language (TLML) 

Teneo’s Linguistic Modeling Language (TLML) is a crucial component of Voice AI systems, enhancing NLU accuracy and help correct the error-rate introduced by the STT functionality – i.e. addressing the compound of loss when adding voice. TLML provide a deterministic layer on top of machine learning models. This integration significantly improves the system’s ability to understand and process complex and ambiguous language, which is essential for accurately interpreting user intent in various customer service applications. 

Key Features of TLML

  • Enhanced Intent Detection: TLML refines the detection of user intent, ensuring that the system accurately understands what the user is asking, even in complex scenarios. 
  • Error Handling and Correction: The deterministic rules in TLML help manage the compound of loss and correct potential errors, especially those that arise from speech-to-text transcriptions. 
  • Adaptability: The system continuously learns from new data, improving its accuracy over time and adapting to new language patterns and slang. 

For more detailed insights on how TLML contributes to high NLU accuracy, explore the Teneo Accuracy Booster

Importance of Accuracy Benchmarks 

Benchmarking NLU systems is essential for understanding their performance in real-world scenarios. Accuracy benchmarks measure how well these systems interpret and respond to user inputs, which directly impacts customer satisfaction and service efficiency. 

Benefits of High NLU Accuracy in Voice AI

  • Customer Satisfaction: Accurate responses lead to better customer experiences, reducing frustration and improving satisfaction. 
  • Operational Efficiency: High accuracy reduces the need for human intervention, lowering operational costs and increasing the efficiency of customer service processes. 
  • Competitive Advantage: Companies using highly accurate NLU systems can provide superior service, gaining a competitive edge in their industry. 

Teneo consistently achieves high scores in these benchmarks, particularly in sectors like banking, where precision is critical. For detailed benchmark results, visit the NLU Benchmark Whitepaper

Challenges and Solutions in NLU Accuracy in Voice AI

Achieving and maintaining high NLU accuracy involves overcoming several challenges, including dealing with ambiguous language and integrating NLU with STT systems. Our Teneo platform addresses these challenges through a combination of advanced data analytics, machine learning, and deterministic rules. 


  • Ambiguity in Language: Phrases with multiple meanings can be challenging for NLU systems to interpret accurately. 
  • Contextual Understanding: Ensuring that the system can understand context and nuance, which is vital for accurate intent detection. 
  • Integration with STT: Speech-to-text errors can propagate through to NLU, impacting overall accuracy. 


  • Hybrid Approaches: Combining rule-based methods with machine learning models to improve flexibility and accuracy. 
  • Data Optimization: Using high-quality, diverse datasets to train models, ensuring they are robust and capable of handling a wide range of inputs. 
  • Continuous Learning: Implementing systems that learn from interactions, improving accuracy over time. 

Teneo OpenQuestion® and NLU Accuracy 

Teneo OpenQuestion® significantly enhances NLU accuracy, achieving rates between 95-100%. This improvement is crucial for reducing call misrouting by up to 90%, making it an essential tool for contact centers aiming to streamline their operations and enhance customer service quality. Open Question is the first step to: 

  • Get close to 0 response time 
  • Increased routing accuracy 
  • learn about all incoming intents 

Improve Customer Intent Understanding

Utilizing the TLML™ technique, Teneo OpenQuestion® boosts intent recognition accuracy by 30%, even when layered on top of existing Voice AI solutions. This precision helps in correctly routing calls, thereby improving overall customer satisfaction and reducing the need for manual intervention. 

To learn how Teneo can transform your contact center operations to an agentless contact center, visit Teneo OpenQuestion®

Additional Reading

To explore these topics in more detail, check out the following resources: 

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