Leveraging LLMs: A Step-by-Step Guide to AI Maturity with bots

AI maturity

Empowering Decisions with Generative AI: A Teneo.ai Approach 

Chatbots stand out as the most popular application of Large Language Models (LLMs) like Claude, Gemini, GPT-3.5 and GPT-4. With the advent of Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) architecture, businesses are now better equipped. Therefore, they can now deploy AI solutions that are current, knowledgeable but significantly less prone to generating inaccurate information.

Despite these advancements, the challenge of evaluating chatbot responses efficiently and effectively persists. There is a lack of standardized methods, leading many organizations to rely on labor-intensive human grading. To address this, we at Teneo.ai have taken a theoretical approach to form best practices for automated LLM evaluation. Consequently, this allows for the rapid and confident deployment of RAG applications. 

Stage 1: Prompt Engineering and Tuning 

Many businesses are still at the nascent stages of AI adoption. They lack a comprehensive AI strategy, identified use cases, or access to AI experts. If this describes your organization, starting with an off-the-shelf LLM is advisable. Although these models may not offer specialized industry knowledge, experimenting with them can set a path for your AI journey.

Your team can begin by creating specific prompts and workflows. This helps in understanding the capabilities and limitations of these AI tools. This stage is crucial for determining future investments in more sophisticated AI systems that promise greater operational benefits. 

Stage 2: Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) 

The next step involves enhancing an off-the-shelf AI system with RAG. This involves integrating your own knowledge resources, improving the relevancy and accuracy of AI responses without altering the model’s inherent behavior. Furthermore, at this stage it is recommended to focus on incorporating non-sensitive data.  

For instance:  

  • Adding an employee handbook to assist in answering internal policy questions 
  • Common FAQ questions and answers 
  • Instruction manuals could power a service chatbot  
  • Sales and product data can be a virtual assistant for sales 
  • You can turn your website into a RAG bot for website search 

The key is to prepare and segment your data appropriately for effective integration with the RAG system. 

Stage 3: Fine-tuning a Foundation Model 

Once your business has gained experience with commercial models and recognized the value of Generative AI, it’s time to personalize your approach. Fine-tuning allows you to adapt a general-purpose model to your specific organizational data.

This phase involves deep customization where your business’s unique data trains the AI model. This leads to AI applications that are highly tailored and relevant to your specific business needs.

Why Teneo for Generative AI?

Complete Control 

  • Data Sovereignty: With Teneo, your organization retains complete control over your data. You decide how and where it’s used, ensuring compliance with your internal policies and external regulations. 
  • Mask and Anonymize sensitive data: Teneo enables the anonymization of personal data in a way that doesn’t compromise chatbot functionality. Teneo masks user data before it is sent to the Large Language Model (LLM), ensuring personal information remains inaccessible. 
  • Model Customization: Beyond data, Teneo gives you control over the AI models themselves. You can tailor each prompt sent to these models with TLML to align perfectly with your business needs and objectives. This results in improved accuracy and less hallucinations.  
  • Security and Privacy: Teneo places a high priority on security and privacy, offering robust measures to protect your data and ensure that it’s accessible only to authorized users. 

Production Ready 

  • Scalability: Teneo’s platform is designed to scale with your business. Whether you’re handling large volumes of data or need to serve a growing customer base, Teneo can accommodate your needs without sacrificing performance. 
  • Safe deployment: Teneo offers multiple environments to publish and test your solution. These are known as the three stages of a project: Development, Quality Assurance (QA), and Production.  
  • Integration Capabilities: Teneo can be seamlessly integrated into your existing infrastructure, making it a versatile tool that enhances your current systems rather than replacing them. 
  • Monitor your solution: Teneo gives full access to monitor each experience a user has had with your solution. Giving you a clear view of how it performs to be displayed on a dashboard on Microsoft Power BI or Google Charts. 
  • Reliability and Uptime: With a focus on providing a reliable service, Teneo ensures high uptime, so your AI applications are always available when you need them. 

Cost Effective 

  • Efficiency Gains: By automating and optimizing processes, Teneo helps in reducing operational costs. This includes streamlining customer service, enhancing data analysis, and automating routine tasks. 
  • Flexible Pricing Models: Teneo offers various pricing models to suit different business sizes and needs, ensuring that you get a cost-effective solution that matches your budget and usage requirements. 
  • Reduced Need for External Resources: With its comprehensive suite of tools and features, Teneo reduces the need for additional software or external consultants, further saving costs. 

Teneo.ai: Your Partner in AI Maturity 

Leveraging the Teneo Platform 

As your organization progresses on its AI journey, Teneo.ai provides a unified platform to fine-tune, manage, and govern your data, models, and APIs. Hence, we emphasize compliance and transparency, ensuring that your AI solutions align with regulatory requirements and ethical standards. 

From Data Management to Smarter Decisions 

With Teneo.ai, you can use your proprietary data to power Generative AI applications. For example, the platform offers tools for data management and model training, enabling you to derive actionable insights and make smarter business decisions. 

Growing Along the AI Maturity Curve 

The Teneo Platform is designed to support your organization at every stage of the AI maturity curve. Whether you’re just starting with prompt engineering or moving towards fine-tuning your models with specific data sets, Teneo.ai offers the necessary tools and expertise. 

Conclusion: Charting Your AI Path with Teneo.ai 

Embracing AI technology is a journey of continuous learning and adaptation. By understanding the stages of AI maturity and leveraging the capabilities of platforms like Teneo.ai, your organization can not only keep pace with technological advancements but also harness the power of Generative AI for operational excellence and informed decision-making. The future of business is in AI-driven solutions, and with Teneo.ai, you’re well-equipped to navigate this evolving landscape. 

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