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Customer engagement

Definition: Customer engagement refers to the depth of the relationship a customer has with a brand, often reflected by the level of interaction between the customer and the company. The ongoing relationship a customer has with an organization based on relevant, personalized experiences and the anticipation of the customer’s evolving needs. Customer engagement can be improved by IVRs.

Why is Customer Engagement Important in a Contact Center?

High levels of customer engagement can lead to increased customer loyalty, more positive word-of-mouth, and higher revenue for a business.

How to Measure Customer Engagement in a Contact Center?

Customer engagement in a contact center can be measured using metrics like the number of interactions, the duration of interactions, and the quality of interactions.

How to Improve Customer Engagement in a Contact Center?

Customer engagement can be improved by providing personalized service, offering multiple channels of communication, and using AI-powered tools like OpenQuestion.

Enhancing Customer Engagement with OpenQuestion

OpenQuestion, a solution powered by AI technology, can enhance customer engagement in a contact center. It provides real-time insights into customer needs, enabling personalized service and improving overall customer engagement. With OpenQuestion, contact centers can offer a more seamless and interactive experience to customers, leading to stronger relationships, increased loyalty, and improved business outcomes.

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