Control your LLMs with Teneo Copilot Preview

teneo copilot

The newest version of Teneo, introduces the Copilot Preview feature, an innovative addition designed to make AI Agent development more seamless and efficient. With Copilot, you can incorporate your own Large Language Model (LLM) into Teneo, like GPT-4o. In addition, it offers a way to control your Large Language Models. Let’s explore how this new feature enhances the Teneo Studio experience, offering real-time insights and transforming the way we build conversational bots.

teneo copilot 7.5 generative outputs

What is Teneo Copilot Preview?

Teneo Copilot Preview is a powerful feature in Teneo that allows developers to preview the effects of changes in real-time. This functionality provides an immediate and clear understanding of how modifications will impact the conversational experience in your Contact Center, ensuring a smooth and efficient development process. In addition, it offers a possibility to control your LLMs.

desktop copilot features

Key Features of Teneo Co-Pilot Preview

  1. Real-Time Preview: With Copilot Preview, developers can see the effects of their changes instantly. This real-time feedback loop helps in quickly identifying and rectifying issues, leading to a more streamlined development process.
  2. Enhanced Understanding of Modifications: Understanding how changes will impact the end-user experience is crucial. Copilot Preview provides this understanding by allowing developers to see the immediate effects of their modifications, ensuring that the conversational flow remains smooth and intuitive.
  3. Seamless Integration with Teneo Studio: Integrated seamlessly within Teneo Studio, Copilot Preview is designed to fit naturally into your existing workflow. This integration ensures that you can take advantage of real-time previews without disrupting your development process.
  4. Control your LLM and mitigate hallucinations: Having an option to see what your LLM produces before its been applied allows you to control the behavior from your LLM. Reducing the risk for bias, and hallucinations while mitigating other errors with Teneo.
  5. Efficient Debugging and Testing: Debugging and testing become more efficient with Copilot Preview. By seeing the effects of changes immediately, developers can quickly iterate and refine their bots, leading to a more polished final product.

How Teneo Co-Pilot Preview Enhances AI Development

The addition of Copilot Preview to Teneo 7.5 is a game-changer for AI development. Here’s how it enhances the development process:

Teneo and GPT-4o Integration
  • Accelerated Development Cycle: Real-time previews mean faster iterations and quicker deployment, reducing the overall development time.
  • Improved Accuracy: By immediately seeing the effects of changes, developers can ensure their bots are more accurate and effective in handling user interactions.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Understanding how modifications affect the conversational flow ensures that the end-user experience is smooth and intuitive.

The Impact on Conversational Chatbots

The ability to preview changes in real-time significantly improves the quality of conversational bots. Here’s why:

  • Immediate Feedback: Developers get instant feedback on their changes, allowing them to fine-tune responses and interactions for better user satisfaction.
  • Proactive Issue Resolution: Potential issues can be identified and resolved proactively, leading to a more reliable and robust chatbot.
  • Seamless User Interactions: Ensuring that the conversational flow remains uninterrupted and intuitive leads to a better overall user experience.

Real-World Application: An Example

Imagine you’re developing a customer service bot and need to update the response logic for handling order status inquiries. With Copilot Preview, you can make your changes and see immediately how they affect the chatbot’s responses. This real-time insight allows you to fine-tune the logic and ensure that the bot handles queries accurately and efficiently.

In conclusion, Teneo Copilot Preview is a transformative feature that brings real-time insights to the AI development process. By allowing developers to preview changes instantly, it ensures a smoother, more efficient workflow and leads to higher-quality conversational bots. If you’re looking to elevate your AI development process, Teneo Copilot Preview in Teneo is the tool you need.

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