
According to the Swedish Companies Act (2005: 551), the Annual General Meeting (AGM) is the Company’s highest decision-making body. At the AGM, the shareholders exercise their voting rights in key issues, including the adoption of income statements and balance sheets, disposition of the Company’s results, granting discharge from liability for the Board members and the CEO, election of Board members and auditors, and remuneration to the Board and the auditors.

Teneo AI AB's AGMs are held in the municipality of Stockholm every calendar year before the end of June. In addition to the AGM, extraordinary general meetings may be convened. According to the Articles of Association, a notice convening an AGM shall be made by announcement in Post- och Inrikes Tidningar and by keeping the notice available on the Company’s website. At the same time, it shall be announced in Svenska Dagbladet that a notice convening the AGM has been issued.

Right to participate in a general meeting

Shareholders who wish to attend a general meeting must be included in the share register kept by Euroclear Sweden six banking days before the meeting, and notify the Company of its intention to attend the general meeting no later than the date stated in the notice of the meeting. Shareholders may attend general meetings in person or by proxy and may also be assisted by a maximum of two persons. Usually it is possible for shareholders to register for the general meeting in several different ways, which are specified in the notice to the meeting. Shareholders are entitled to vote for all shares held by the shareholder in the Company.

Shareholders’ right of initiative

Shareholders who wish to have a matter dealt with at the General Meeting must send a written request to the Board. Such request should normally be submitted to the Board no later than seven weeks before the AGM.

Legislation and Articles of Association

Teneo AI AB was established in Sweden and is a public limited liability company governed by Swedish law, primarily through the Swedish Companies Act (2005:551). In addition, the Company will apply the rules and recommendations associated with the listing of the Company’s share on Nasdaq First North. In addition to legislation including regulations and recommendations, the Articles of Association forms the basis for the governance of the Company’s operations. The Articles of Association states, among other things, the location of the Board’s registered office, business description, limits on share capital and the number of shares as well as requirements for attending to the General Meeting. The Articles of Association appear in its entirety in the section “Articles of Association”.


Extraordinary General Meeting in TENEO AI AB (PUBL), 27 February 2025


Previous Meetings

Extraordinary General Meeting, 16 July 2018

Annual General Meeting, 11 May 2018