Case Studies of Successful Teneo Chatbot Implementations 

Infographic on the benefits of conversational ai

Teneo’s advanced conversational AI technology has been successfully implemented by various businesses across different industries. Here are a few case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of Teneo Chatbot implementations: 

Swisscom, representing the successful teneo chatbot implementation.


Swisscom, a major telecommunications provider in Switzerland, migrated 100% of its call load within three days of launching OpenQuestion, a solution powered by Teneo. This resulted in improved transfer rates by 21% and an increase in the Net Promoter Score. The implementation of Teneo allowed Swisscom to provide a more efficient and satisfying customer experience. For more details, visit Swisscom Case Study 

Circle K  

Circle K, a global convenience store chain, used Teneo’s AI technology to deploy ‘Kay’, a conversational AI. ‘Kay’ was able to handle customer queries effectively, and seamlessly transfer complex queries to human agents. The implementation led to significant improvements in customer satisfaction, sales, and cost reductions. 

For more details, visit Circle K Case Study 

SKODA, representing the successful collaboration with to develop a conversational solution, 'Laura'

ŠKODA Auto  

ŠKODA Auto collaborated with to develop a conversational solution, ‘Laura’, across Europe. ‘Laura’ provided personalized recommendations to drivers reviewing ŠKODA’s products. The implementation led to a 100% increase in customer requests and a 400% increase in test drive bookings during the first trial phase. 

For more details, visit ŠKODA Auto Case Study 

Contact Center Digital Transformation 

Many businesses use Teneo to drive digital transformation in their contact centers. By integrating Teneo with their back-end systems and services, these businesses are able to deliver more complete and accurate answers to customer queries. This results in lower call times, increases first call resolution rates, and improves customer satisfaction. 

For more details, visit Contact Center Digital Transformation 

These case studies demonstrate the potential of Teneo Chatbot implementations to enhance customer service, improve operational efficiency, and drive digital transformation. By leveraging the advanced features and capabilities of Teneo, businesses provides a superior customer experience and gain a competitive edge. 

The Power of AI Chatbots

To learn more about how Teneo Chatbots can benefit your business, check out our comprehensive guide.

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