The Enduring Importance of the Phone Channel in Call Centers

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Phone channel in call centers… is it the preferred choice for customers anymore? In an era dominated by digital communication, one might assume that traditional channels like the phone would be on the decline. However, the phone channel remains a cornerstone in call centers, proving its enduring value and significance.

The Unwavering Dominance of Telephony

Despite the rise of various digital communication alternatives, the phone channel has shown remarkable resilience, especially in the UK.

Phone Channel Preferred in UK Call Centers

Similarly, in the US, telephony usage has consistently hovered around 60-65% for years. This data, from a recent Contact Center Report by and ContactBabel, offers a compelling call center insight: the phone isn’t just surviving; it’s thriving.

Phone Channel still preferred by customers in US Call Centers

Voice: The Preferred Choice for Users and Companies in Complex Scenarios

When it comes to situations characterized by high emotion, urgency, or complexity, the voice channel stands out. In the UK, a significant 66% of businesses believe that customers are better served by picking up the phone.

Phone Channel preferred for complex issues in the UK

The US echoes this sentiment even more robustly, with 86% of businesses advocating for the phone channel for complex queries.

Phone Channel still preferred for complex issues in the US

The IVR Hurdle

However, the journey isn’t without its bumps. The initial touchpoint for many phone interactions is the touchtone IVR system, which often poses challenges even before a conversation begins. A mere 13% of UK contact centers view touchtone IVR positively, a stark contrast to the 52% for web chat and 48% for omnichannel. The US is slightly more optimistic, with 29% viewing touchtone IVR in a positive light.

Call Centers Statistics 2023

The Promise of Conversational IVR

Enter Conversational IVR, the beacon of hope in the realm of phone channel technology. By transforming the traditional IVR experience, Conversational IVR promises to address the challenges of touchtone systems, offering a more intuitive, efficient, and customer-friendly approach.

OpenQuestion: The Game-Changer

OpenQuestion, powered by, is leading the charge in redefining the IVR experience. Gone are the days of the robotic “Press 1, Press 2” prompts. OpenQuestion offers a fast, welcoming experience, ensuring customers connect to the right person every time. The results speak for themselves: a significant reduction in call misrouting, a decrease in call workload, and a swift implementation period. Businesses like Telefónica and Swisscom have already reaped the benefits, witnessing improved service levels and customer satisfaction.

The phone channel, with its rich history and undeniable impact, remains a vital component in call centers. With the advent of innovative technologies like Conversational IVR and solutions like OpenQuestion, the future looks even brighter. Embracing these advancements not only enhances the customer experience but also underscores the continued importance and potential of the phone channel.

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