Key Features to Look for in Customer Engagement Software


Identifying key features in customer engagement software is essential for selecting the right tool. The following features are critical for effective engagement.

LLM Orchestration

LLMs are orchestrated across channels using predefined criteria to ensure optimal performance. In text-based interactions, LLMs focus on written intent, while voice-based interactions need extra optimization for speech recognition and real-time responses. Both rely on context, but voice requires adaptation to accents and tone. This orchestration ensures consistent, tailored service across channels. Learn more in our webinar on this topic.

Multi-Channel Support

Ensure the software supports engagement across various digital channels, including voice, social media, email, live chat, and more. Multi-channel support allows businesses to meet customers where they are and provide consistent experiences across platforms.

Analytics and Reporting

Look for tools that offer robust analytics and reporting capabilities to track and analyze customer interactions and engagement metrics. Analytics can provide insights into customer behavior, helping businesses refine their strategies and improve engagement.

Personalization Capabilities

Select software that allows for personalized customer interactions based on data and customer behavior. Personalization can enhance the customer experience by providing relevant and timely content and recommendations.


When evaluating software, focus on ease of use, integration, and cost. Consider how well it addresses your specific engagement needs and how easily it integrates into your existing systems. Another key factor is AI accuracy—how well does the software understand your intents? For more on why AI accuracy is crucial, you can read more here: What is AI accuracy and why care?.

For examples of businesses benefiting from specific software features, see our HelloFresh Case Study and Telefónica Case Study.

For more on choosing the right platform, see our section on Platform Comparison.

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