Introducing the Latest Update: New Generative QnA Template!

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We’re excited to unveil the newest iteration of our Generative QnA Template to build Teneo RAG and Copilot solutions, which are now available to all our enthusiasts and developers.   

Using Generative AI with Teneo 

Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLM) greatly enhance Teneo RAG, Copilot, and QnA systems in conversational apps by providing accurate, context-aware answers quickly, eliminating the need for users to wade through extensive documents. When integrated with Teneo, this technology elevates QnA capabilities, offering more natural responses tailored to the user’s context. Additionally, Teneo enables the customization of chatbot responses using your own data, which can be sourced from a website or various documents, for highly personalized interactions. 

Control AI Responses in RAG

Despite its advantages, Generative AI isn’t without limitations, particularly in managing inappropriate or off-topic responses. Here, Teneo’s control over conversational narratives shines, allowing developers to create safe, engaging user experiences by filtering unsuitable requests. Combining Teneo with Generative AI not only enhances filtering capabilities. It also ensures the conversational app remains relevant and respectful, maintaining a high-quality user experience. 

What’s New in This Version?

This version of the Generative QnA Template comes with the following: 

Updated API Endpoints: To use the latest endpoints from Azure OpenAI 

Support for Hybrid Search and Semantic Ranker: Elevate your search capabilities with our newly integrated Hybrid Search and Semantic Ranker. It’s designed to deliver more accurate and relevant results through advanced semantic understanding and ranking mechanisms. 

Minor Fixes and Improvements: We’ve meticulously addressed minor bugs and polished our platform. The result is a seamless and more reliable development experience. 

Embark on Your Journey with Generative AI

Eager to start or continue your journey with Generative AI? The “Getting Started with Generative A page is your gateway to mastering the capabilities and potential of our Generative QnA Template. Visit Generative AI with Teneo | Teneo Developers to explore comprehensive guides, tutorials, and resources tailored to empower your projects with the cutting-edge advantages of Generative AI. 

Stay Informed and Engaged

Book a demo to see Teneo RAG in action here

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