Introducing Teneo Generative QnA

Teneo together with OpenAI and Azure

Embrace the power of advanced AI with the Teneo Generative QnA template. This cutting-edge starter kit enables rapid deployment of your Teneo RAG solution, integrating seamlessly with OpenAI services to provide a controlled, customizable source of intelligent responses. 

Unlocking Generative AI Potential 

Generative AI has revolutionized the way we approach AI content creation. With Teneo Generative QnA, you gain the advantages of Large Language Models (LLMs), like the renowned ChatGPT, to produce dynamic content that learns and evolves. Experience the synergy of Generative AI and LLMs, propelling your Teneo Platform capabilities to new heights. 

Teneo Rag in Action

Alt Tag: Gif of Teneo RAG in action with Teneo Air. User is having a chat with a chatbox. 

Customizable AI Solutions with Teneo 

The Teneo Generative QnA solution extends beyond a mere template; it’s a comprehensive ecosystem designed for ultimate customization. Adapt, enhance, and tailor the solution to fit the unique requirements of your Conversational AI project. This template provides the structural blueprints and settings, allowing full developer control to innovate and inspire. 

Image showing Generative QnA template from both Teneo Studio Web and Teneo Studio Desktop

Creating Your AI-Powered Solution 

Launching your project with Teneo Generative QnA is straightforward. Begin by selecting your solution language, choose to create from the template, and pick Teneo Generative QnA as your foundation. The accompanying user guide ensures a seamless setup, guiding you through each step of solution creation and customization. 

The Power of Teneo Studio 

With Teneo Studio, both desktop and web versions offer an intuitive development environment for your Conversational AI applications. The user guide, accessible within the Teneo Studio’s resources, provides detailed instructions for data ingestion and Teneo solution configuration. 

Read more 

Teneo Generative QnA is a gateway to the future of Conversational AI. Integrating with OpenAI services, this solution empowers you with extensive Teneo Platform functionalities to create intelligent, responsive conversational agents. Step into a world where AI content generation meets unparalleled flexibility and control. 

For more detailed information, please refer to our comprehensive Release Notes.  

Start Your FREE Trial

Ready to start building with Teneo Generative QnA? Sign-up now and begin your journey into the future of Conversational AI. 

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